Application Categories | Popular vendors |
VDI | VMware Horizon |
Email | Exchange(OWA) |
Windows |
Linux |
SSO | Microsoft ADFS |
Custom Applications | Any in-house developed applications |
Parameter Name | Description |
Channel Name | Any name to identify the channel |
Channel Type | RADIUS/OWA/ADFS/WebService/MNV WebService/PKC WebService |
Sender Address | IP address of the host requesting authentication (RADIUS Server’s/Exchange Servers, Application Servers etc) |
NAS IP (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | RADIUS Network Access Server IP. If the senders packet contains the NAS IP the appropriate IP should be set here. |
Relay Framed IP (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | Used to set the RADIUS attribute “Framed-IP-Address” in the response. |
Enable Compound Password (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | Enabling will consider the password of the user to contain OTP at the end of normal password. |
Compound Pwd OTP Length(Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | The length of the OTP in the compound password |
Shared Secret/API Key | Key for authentication between sender and mPass. A Random key will be generated for any new Channel Configuration definition. |
Related Domain | During authentication process, the component will verify the user credentials in the domain specified here. If not, validates credentials across all the defined domains |
Restrict Authentication to Domain groups (DNs) | Administrators can specify the Distinguished Names (DN) of directory groups to restrict access. Multiple groups can be specified separated via ; If not specified, no restrictions are applied. |
Channel Policy | Policy (Refer Policies Management) to apply for the channel requests |
SMS Sender Address | To set the SMS Sender for SMS based OTPs. Leaving empty will set from System configuration |
RADIUS Response UI Options (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | To control the response messages, send to RADIUS Clients. |
RADIUS Response Language (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | Language for displaying messages to users when using RADIUS based authentications |
Hide RADIUS Auth Options (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | To hide/display various Authentication options such as( Enter 1 to send SMS, Enter 2 to Enter OTP via mobile…….) |
RADIUS Client Vendor | Citrix/Fortinet |
Vendor Attributes type | Static- Sets the vendor attribute value as mentioned in the Vendor Specific attributes field. Dynamic – Sets the vendor attribute based on the user group found in the directory server and which matches the first Restrict Authentication to Domain groups field value |
Vendor Specific attributes | Should be specified 1 when field Vendor Attributes type is dynamic. Should specify 1=<attribute_value1>;2=<attribute_value2> if Vendor Attributes type is static |
Channel Status | Opened- Will apply 2FA to the users Closed - will not enable 2FA for the channel. Requests will be rejected Disable MFA – Will not apply 2FA to the users |
Field Name | Description |
Policy Details | |
Policy Name | Any name to identify the policy |
Max Invalid authentication attempts (Applicable only for RADIUS Channel Type) | Maximum allowed invalid domain passwords for a defined user. If exceeded, the user will be marked as Locked and cannot authenticate further |
Max Invalid OTP’s | Maximum allowed invalid OTP’s during OTP validation requests. If exceeded, the user will be marked as Locked and cannot authenticate further |
User Inactive Days | Maximum Number days a user can be allowed to be inactive without authentication |
Identification Time Window | Max allowed time (in 30 sec time steps) between user’s mobile token and mPass server time. Eg: - if this value is set to 3, And If Server Time (HH::MM::SS) is : 11:30:00AM Allowed Mobile App time (HH::MM::SS): 11:28:30 AM 11:31:30 This is required to correctly validate the OTP on the mobile phone. |
SMS OTP Validity (Mins) | Maximum Time allowed between generation and validation of SMS based OTP |
MFA Control | |
Allowed Authentication Types | The allowed authentication types for this policy. If unchecked, the users will not be able to see the option. If all are unchecked, the user will be by-passed 2FA. |
Brute force Control | If enabled, multiple requests (within the allowed limits) for the SMS/Email will be silently ignored to avoid costs or performance reasons. Multiple requests can sometimes be generated by user clicking the send SMS/Email button multiple times. |
SMS/Email Bruteforce Control Window (Secs) | Interval in which a new OTP via SMS/Email will not be sent to the user |
Auto Authentication | Enabling will allow users to not apply 2FA if requested for authentication within Auto Auth Threshold period. |
Auto Auth Threshold | Time range in minutes to allow Auto Authentication |
Enable SMS Saver | This is to save SMS costs for sending OTP. Enabling this will not send SMS during authentication and the user has to use the last sent OTP. The last sent OTP will be valid for the duration mentioned in SMS Saver OTP validity |
SMS Saver OTP validity | The maximum time validity period of the last OTP sent via SMS/Email |
Enable SMS/Email Bruteforce Control | Enabling this will control the number of times the user will request OTP via SMS/Email. This is to control simulated HTTP requests using tools and saving SMS Costs |
User Auto Definition | |
Auto Create User | Whether to auto-register user during first authentication request |
Auto defined user Authentication Options | The default authentication options set for user created under ‘Auto Create User’ configuration. 1. SMS 2. Mobile 3. Email 4. Shard OTP (OTP will be split and send via SMS and Email) 5. Push Authentication |
Ignore Undefined user requests (applies when Auto Create User is set to 'No') | Enabling this will cause users who are not defined in mPass to bypass 2FA, unchecked means the users requests are rejected. |
Enforce Geo Blocking | Selecting the checkbox enables the feature |
Centroid Latitude | Latitude for the centroid( typically the mPass deployment location) |
Centroid Longitude | Longitude for the centroid( typically the mPass deployment location) |
Allowed Geo Range (kms) | Allowed distance range in Kms (circular) from the centroid |
Role Name | Description |
Super Administrator | Master user role of the system, Users who belongs to this role can execute all the privileges of the system. |
Authenticator | Users who belong to this role cannot login to the administration or user portal. These users can only be authenticated by the MPass system. |
VPN Local | Users local to VPN system and not present in Active Directory/belonging to domain. |
Support | Users with Support role can only view the Request Logs and the Dashboard of the MPass system. |
Authenticator and Administrator | User with both Authenticator and Super Administrator role |
Operations | User with privilege for the following: 1. Dashboard(without interaction) 2. List Users(Read-Only) 3. Request Logs |
mPass Local | User like Authenticator role, but the credentials are stored in mPass database rather than directory server |
Field Name | Description |
User Details | |
User Id | Unique Identifier for the user without spaces |
First Name | First Name of the user with Alpha numeric characters and with a space |
Last Name | Last Name of the user with Alpha numeric characters and with a space |
Password (Applies only to Super Administrator, Support , Operator and mPass Local Roles) | Password of the user. The password should follow the following rules: 1. Must contains one digit from 0-9. 2. Must contains one lowercase characters. 3. Must contains one uppercase characters. 4. Must contains one special symbols in the list "@\#$%". 5. Length of at least 10 characters and maximum of 128. |
Re-Type Password(Applies only to Super Administrator and Support Roles) | Should match the above password |
Role | Role to assign to the user. 1. Authenticator 2. Super Administrator 3. Support 4. VPN Local 5. Authenticator and Administrator 6. Operations 7. mPass Local |
Language Preference | The language of the SMS sent during OTP |
Contact Details | |
Email Id | Valid Email address of the user (used to send QR codes via email to users) |
Redirect QR Code | If checked, the QR codes will be sent to the Redirect Email |
Redirect Email | Email address to be used to send QR codes rather than the above email |
Mobile Number | Mobile Number of the user Will be used in the following cases: 1. Send SMS to users if role is VPN Local 2. Send SMS if ‘Always use above mobile number’ field is checked(see below field) |
Always use above mobile number | Selecting this checkbox will always use the mobile number defined in above field Mobile Number rather than from directory user attribute when sending SMS to user. |
MFA Control | |
Allowed Authentication types | User will be able to view/use the selected options during authentication from OWA/ADFS/VPN 1. SMS 2. Mobile 3. Email 4. Shard OTP 5. Push authentication Note: Displaying of these options will also be based on the policy being applied for the channel |
Delay MFA User | Enabling this feature will delay applying the 2FA to the users across all channels till the specified date in Delay MFA Till. |
Field Name | Description |
User Id | Unique Identifier for the user without spaces |
User Status | Status of the user: 1. Enabled 2. Disabled 3. Locked |
Authentication types | 1. SMS 2. Mobile 3. Email 4. Shard OTP 5. Push Auth |
Token Status | To find users with tokens assigned/not assigned |
Note: Search Start date should always be before the Search End date. |
Criteria Name | Description |
From Date | Authentication/Validation Request Date start |
To Date | Authentication/Validation Request Date end |
Request Type | Authentication/Validation Request types from channels RADIUS/REST/OWA/ADFS channels |
User id | User identifier of the required user |
Response Result | Response status for the request |
Sender Address | IP address of the service requester |
Response Code | Reason for Rejection of request |
Validation result | Reason for Acceptance/Rejection of OTP validation |
Parameter Name | Description |
User Id/Alias | User identifier of the required user |
Sender Address | IP address of the service requester |
Channel Name | The channel name of the request |
Request Type | Authentication/Validation Request types from channels RADIUS/REST/OWA/ADFS channels |
MFA Mode | The MFA option used by the user |
Response Result | Response status for the request |
Response Code | Reason for Rejection of request |
Validation result | Reason for Acceptance/Rejection of OTP validation |
Parameter Name | Description |
Applies to the mPass push authentication services configuration | |
Service Status | Control to enable/disable mPass push authentication services. Disabling will not allow push authentication to users |
Client Id | Unique client Id generated in the mPass Push online authentication service to identify the mPass setup. Cerebra PS team will provide the unique to an organization |
Client Secret | Client secret to access the mPass push online services |
mPass Push Service Base URL | Base URL of the mPass Push online authentication service |
Push Authentication Time-out (Secs) | Maximum allowed time for the user to respond to push authentication notification |
Activation Code Validity (Mins) | Maximum time allowed for the user to scan the QR code in the user portal |
Parameter Name | Description |
Applicable for HTTP based channels such as OWA/ADFS, WebServices, MNV Webservice and PKC webservice. Applies to the HTTP based Sender address (mPass service caller) | |
Sender IP in HTTP Header | Enabling it will cause the channels mentioned above to read Sender IP from HTTP Header name as configured below. HTTP based Channels should be configured to the IP address passed in this header as sender address |
HTTP Header Name | All the HTTP based channels will read from the HTTP header configured here. Default value is X-Forwarded-For |
Parameter Name | Description |
This section is used to control the mPass User portal configuration. | |
User Portal URL | mPass User portal URL address |
Mobile Token Activation Mode: | Offline-mPass authenticator device need not connect to the mPass server during QR code scanning. Online- mPass authenticator device need to connect to the mPass server during QR code scanning. |
Enable Manual Activation for mobile | Users can use either the QR code or can use the 16-character code. This will be useful for users not allowing camera access or phone does not have a camera. |
Allow user activation without definition | Yes – User can use the mPass User portal to register themselves without requiring the administrator to define first. No- Not allowed for user register before the administrator defines it. |
Parameter Name | Description |
This section contains the parameters to control the Web Browser session timeout of the administration portal and user portal | |
Session Time Out(Mins) | mPass administration portal & mPass User Portal browser session timeout |
Notify Mobile Users | This configuration will be applied when defining new users. 1. Single user 2. Bulk Import No – User will not be notified. Email with Information Only- Send Email to user about instructions to download and activate the mPass mobile app and also the URL for user portal Email with Information and QR code- Send email to user about instructions to download and activate the mPass mobile app an also the QR code as an email attachment |
mPass windows Mobile token time window | Applies to TOTP provided via mPass Windows Agent. This value specifies the allowed time window difference between the server time and user mobile time. |
SMS OTP Length | OTP length for the OTP generated via SMS |
Inactive Users Cleanup | |
Enable Automatic Inactive Users Deletion | Enable feature to delete inactive users |
Delete Users Not logged more than | If enabled in above option, users who did not logged in the last 30/60/90/120 days will be deleted. A list of users who were deleted along with last logged date will be emailed to the administrator |
Locked users controls | |
Enable Auto Unlock | Enable automatically unlocking of users who got locked due to Invalid passwords/Invalid OTPs |
Auto Unlock users after | Value (in minutes) which specifies how the cutoff time after which users can be marked as unlocked |
Parameter Name | Description |
This section is used to control the mPass User portal configuration. | |
Enforce QR Code Validity in email | Sets a validity period for QR code sent via email |
QR Code Validity(days) | QR code validity period in days |
Allow Mobile Token Activation via Channels | If enabled, users can activate the mPass authenticator app via mPass agents(currently supports only OWA agent) |
Allow Mobile Token Activation for new users | If enabled, users who are defined by the administrator/auto-defined/imported will be allowed QR activation via user portal |
Parameter Name | Description |
LinQ2 WebService | URL of the LinQ2SMS SOAP Service |
User | Username to access the SOAP Service |
Password | Password for the above user |
SMS Sender | SMS Sender |
Parameter Name | Description |
SMS English Template | English Template for SMS. Applies to all channels OWA/RADIUS/ADFS/WebServices etc. |
SMS Arabic Template | Arabic Template for SMS. Applies to all channels OWA/RADIUS/ADFS/WebServices etc. |
Parameter Name | Description |
Password | Use this to change the password of mPass internal keystore |
Parameter Name | Description |
Enable validation cleanup | If enabled, authentication logs will be deleted |
Purge validation logs before (Hrs) | Delete logs later than configured hours |
Enable SMS cleanup | If enabled, SMS OTP messages will be deleted |
Purge SMS logs before (Hrs) | Delete SMS OTP messages later than configured hours |
Parameter Name | Description |
Enable License Expiry Notifications | If enabled, mPass license expiry notifications will be sent to the configured System Administrator emails |
Remind Every | Frequency of reminders to be sent |
Last Notified on: | The last notified time |
System Administrator emails | Comma separated values of administrators emails |
System Type | Description |
Email Server | Email Server to send email for QR Codes to users |
Directory Server | Enterprise Directory Server for authentication and retrieving mobile number information. |
Simple HTTP Gateway | HTTP Gateway to send SMS via simple parameters |
Parameter Name | Description |
HostName/IP Address | Hostname or IP address of the Active Directory. Multiple IP addresses can be specified for multiple servers |
Port | LDAP/LDAPS Port number |
Domain Name | Active Directory Domain name |
UPN Suffix | UPN suffix (should be same as Domain Name if no UPN suffix) |
Base Name | English Template for SMS. Applies to all channels OWA/RADIUS/ADFS/WebServices etc. |
User | Service account name to read mobile number or other attributes of user |
Password | Service account password |
Mobile number field name | User attribute name of the mobile number field in Active directory |
SMS Sender Name | The SMS Sender Name for this Active directory. If not set, the name will be used from channel configuration/system configuration |
MFA Groups | Full OU name to enable 2FA. Only users belonging to the defined groups will be applied 2FA others rejected. For multiple groups please use comma separated. |
Parameter Name | Description |
SMS Service URL | Base URL of the SMS provider/Base URL including static parameters |
SMS Service Password/API Key Parameter Name | If the service requires a password this parameter specifies the field name of the password If Request Type is GET, this parameter will be set as HTTP URL parameter name. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type x-www-form-urlencoded, the parameter name will be sent in the POST body If Request Type is POST with Payload Type JSON, the JSON tag name for password should be specified here. |
SMS Service Password/API Key Value | If the service requires a password this parameter specifies the value of the password (see above for field name details) If Request Type is GET, this parameter will be set as HTTP URL parameter value for above parameter name. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type x-www-form-urlencoded, the parameter value will be sent in the POST body for the above parameter name If Request Type is POST with Payload Type JSON, this value will be set for the JSON tag name as configured above |
SMS Receiver Parameter Name (to set mobile number) | This parameter specifies the request parameter name for setting the mobile number. If Request Type is GET, this parameter will be set as HTTP URL parameter name. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type x-www-form-urlencoded, the parameter name will be sent in the POST body. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type JSON, the JSON tag name for mobile number should be specified here. |
SMS Parameter Name (to set SMS Content) | This parameter specifies the request parameter name for setting the SMS content. If Request Type is GET, this parameter will be set as HTTP URL parameter name. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type x-www-form-urlencoded, the parameter name will be sent in the POST body. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type JSON, the JSON tag name for SMS content should be specified here. |
SMS Message Language Parameter Name | This parameter specifies the request parameter name for setting the language type. If Request Type is GET, this parameter will be set as HTTP URL parameter name. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type x-www-form-urlencoded, the parameter name will be sent in the POST body. If Request Type is POST with Payload Type JSON, the JSON tag name for language type should be specified here. |
English SMS Message Type Parameter Value | This parameter specifies the value to set for English messages in the above parameter field |
Arabic SMS Message Type Parameter Value | This parameter specifies the value to set for Arabic messages in the above parameter field |
HTTP Request Configurations | |
Request Type | Whether the HTTP request should be GET / POST method |
HTTP POST Request Payload Type | Payload type for HTTP POST requests |
HTTP POST JSON Body Template | The template for JSON, For HTTP POST requests with payload type JSON. Can contain static and dynamic values. Dynamic values normally include:
Eg: { "Username": "myuser", "Password": "<Password>", "Tagname": "Cerebra", "RecepientNumber": "<RecepientNumber>", "VariableList": "", "ReplacementList": "", "Message": "<Message>", "SendDateTime": 0, "EnableDR": false } In the above JSON, the password, the recipient number and the SMS content is populated dynamically. |
HTTP Response Configurations | |
HTTP Response Check | Specifies the mechanism to check the SMS was sent successfully or not sent |
Success Response Value/HTTP Status Code | If the above field configured to check HTTP status code, the HTTP status code should be specified here for success messages If the above field configured to check HTTP response body, the HTTP response body for success should be specified here. |
Failure Response Value/HTTP Status Code | If the HTTP Response Check field configured to check HTTP status code, the HTTP status code should be specified here for failure messages If the above field configured to check HTTP response body, the HTTP response body for failure should be specified here. |
Enable Dynamic SMS Sender | If enabled, the SMS sender will be set as set in the mPass channels, else will be set as configured in parameter below |
SMS Sender HTTP Parameter Name | Default SMS sender value |
Other static parameters | To add any static name=value pairs which will be appended to the URL during GET and Post Request which the SMS vendor requires it. This can be Sender Name, Application identifier for tracking and reporting |
This backend
configuration will be used to send in the following scenarios:
Parameter Name | Description |
Host Name/IP | Host name or IP of the email server |
Port | SMTP port |
Protocol | None- Just TCP/IP TLS- Transport Layer Security SSL- Secure Sockets Layer security |
Sender User Id | Sender Email address for the emails |
No Authentication | This option should be selected when sending emails does not require any password |
Password | Password of the Sender User Id |
Sender Name | Sender Name to be included in Email |
Parameter Name | Description |
Install Id | Unique ID generated for mPass agent installation in the organization |
DeActivate Code | Deactivation code which should be used to deactivate the mPass agent in the OTP box. |
Host IP | The host IP address of the mPass installed windows agent. |
MAC Addr | The MAC address of the network card for the remote system. |
Created Date | The date the mPass agent was activated on the remote system |
Status | Enable/Disabled state |
Abbreviation | Description |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol that provides centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA or Triple A) management for users who connect and use a network service. |
OTP | One Time Password |
MFA | Multi-Factor authentications |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
PO | Purchase Order |